Meth Testing For Pre-Purchase, Rental & Investment Properties
Accurate lab tested surveys for any home or commercial properties.
Media coverage of large scale case 'busts' are reasonably infrequent, but the small mobile clandestine labs are easily set up and can produce Methamphetamine / 'P' at a reasonable rate contaminating all in the process.
The concern over the hidden issues associated with Meth / 'P' contamination should not be taken lightly. A heavily contaminated home can be listed with authorities and require substantial and costly professional remediation to decontaminate.
Meth / 'P' testing is available upon request. Our meth testing surveys have no vested interest in cleaning programs.
This service will only send samples to the lab for specialist analysis as this is the only way to determine levels accurately and assess ‘usage’ against possible clandestine lab / manufacture.
All samples get sent to an independent IANZ accredited lab for analysis via Liquid-chromatography-mass spectrometry (LCMS) this is a powerful technique with very high sensitivity levels allowing detection of methamphetamine to 0.02µg/100cm2, the analysis is very accurate. There are no false positives and the testing is done independently of the people who take the samples.
Lab based testing gives a quantitative result, this allows the remediation contractor to provide recommendations for contamination remediation.
How do we know if the property is contaminated?
You don't. Basically most of the outward visual indications within a property are minimal. The only way to be sure is to test and test properly using lab analysed swabs.
Do I have to clean the property if the findings indicate usage only?
It is best advised to clean the property to achieve the levels of less than 1.5µg / 100cm2. There is controversy around the health risk, but effectively if the property has a contamination level above the 1.5µg/100cm2 it will cause potential future problems and may be listed on official files with council.